In memoriam: Mathilde Teuben

Vandaag bereikte ons het droevige nieuws dat Mathilde Teuben op donderdag 7 september is overleden.

Wij zijn Mathilde als onze medeoprichtster grote dankbaarheid verschuldigd voor al haar inzet voor de Alumni Kai de afgelopen jaren: van de oprichting, tot het bestuurswerk en de tomeloze inzet voor het Japan Open Café.

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28 november: Japen Open Café

De aankomende editie van het Japan Open Café focust op Nederlandse startups in Japan. Waarmee worden startups die een voet aan de grond proberen te krijgen in Japan geconfronteerd? Hoe kunnen zij slim en snel de culturele verschillen overbruggen? In een informele setting gaan we in gesprek met twee kenners op dit gebied, waaronder Pieter van den Berg.
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30 mei, Japan Open Café: uitdagingen van taal

We focussen in deze editie van het Japan Open Café op taal in literatuur. Hoe kijken vertalers naar het verschil tussen Nederlands en Japans? Welke uitdagingen komen zij tegen en hoe gaan ze hiermee om? In een informele setting gaan we in gesprek met twee literair vertalers, Elbrich Fennema (vertaalt van Japans naar het Nederlands) & Yumiko Kunimori (vertaalt van Nederlands naar het Japans), die hun ervaring en perspectief hierover zullen delen.
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Japan Open Café February: Linking creative industries – NL-Japan

Dutch Design is famous around the world, and in Japan. At the same time, Japanese art and design is popular in many ways in the Netherlands. This is why the next Japan Open Café will feature speakers who connect creativity and design with Japan.  Lees verder “Japan Open Café February: Linking creative industries – NL-Japan”

Japan Open Café: Improving trade between EU & Japan

The EU and Japan came to a broad agreement for the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement this past summer. It is intended to remove barriers on trade between both sides and will affect global trade in many ways. The agreement has been in development for years, but in light of events such as Brexit and the US’ withdrawal from the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) seems now all the more significant. What will the agreement do, and what will the impact be for Dutch-Japanese trade relations and individual businesses?
Lees verder “Japan Open Café: Improving trade between EU & Japan”

Japan Open Café: Abdication of Emperor Akihito

Emperor Akihito’s plans to abdicate have resulted in a lot of discussion around the world. It has been 200 years since a Japanese emperor last chose abdication. What kind of social, political, and legal consequences might this have? This also brings up the discussion of the past, present, and future role of the imperial family in general.
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Save the Date(s): Japen Open Café

Japan Open Café – September edition (27 September)

The September edition of Japan Open Café will center around the topic of the Japanese Imperial Family. Emperor Akihito’s plans to abdicate have resulted in a lot of discussion around the world. What kind of social, political, and economic consequences might this have?

As always, two interesting speakers will provide different perspectives on this topic. More information about the speakers will follow soon!

Date: 27 September, 18:00
Location: Koorenhuis, The Hague
Facebook Event

Japan Open Café – November edition (29 November)

In the final Japan Open Café of 2017 we will discuss the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement. This Agreement is intended to remove certain barriers and will affect global trade in many ways. It has been in development for years, but in light of events such as Brexit and the US’ withdrawal from the TPP seems all the more significant.

Once again two speakers will share their views and discuss them with us. The speakers will be announced in the weeks before the event!

Date: 29 November, 18:00
Location: Koorenhuis, The Hague
Facebook Event

Japan Open Café

Thanks everyone for attending yesterday’s Japan Open Café!

We welcomed a smaller but very curious group of people with many questions to our speakers. We hope you’ve gained some more knowledge about the view of Japan on the Paris climate agreement (where our speaker Takahide Suzuki spoke for example on if it is possible for Japan to make a switch to renewable energy instead of coal-powered or nuclear energy) and how the Netherlands and Japan are collaborating on e.g. climate change adaptation with our second speaker Koos Wieriks. And of course that you went home with a few new contacts within the Japan network!

The next edition of the Japan Open Café will be after the summer, on September 27th! Save the date (and spread the word)!

Japan Open Café: Japan and climate change

While summer is starting around us in the Netherlands, we would like to welcome you to our pre-summer Japan Open Café on 28 June 2017 in the Hague!

As previously, two speakers will share their perspective on a major news item worldwide, and in Japan:

Japan and climate change: responses to Trump’s rejection of the Paris Accord

While sustainability and climate change are becoming increasingly urgent topics in Japan and worldwide, Donald Trump recently made headlines (again) with his decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement. This Japan Open Café will discuss perspectives from Japan on this decision: how did the media, politicians and citizens respond? How is sustainability as a topic developing in Japan? And how is Japan collaborating internationally to mitigate the effects of climate change? Lees verder “Japan Open Café: Japan and climate change”